​Online booking is essential if you want to secure a place. Click here to go to the bookings page.
Payment is by cash or card in class (except for the Rec Centre - pay direct to the venue).

Zumba Gold is designed for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity.

Mondays 9am Falcon Pavilion
Tuesdays 9.30am Mandurah Dance World
Wednesdays 9.30am Mandurah Seniors Centre **
Fridays 9am Falcon Pavilion

SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness specializing in low-impact and simplified choreo. We use all the same routines you find in SHiNE, but we reduce impact, increase stability and modify the moves to meet your needs

Tuesdays 8.30am Mandurah Dance World
Wednesdays 8.30am Mandurah Seniors Centre

On-demand classes you can do in the comfort of your own home!
Zumba Fitness and Zumba Gold classes now available 24/7
Click here to start a virtual class now.