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New Year's Resolutions - 4 out of 5 gym membersips will go unused!

Well it's that time of year again when pretty much all of us make resolutions with the best intentions of sticking to them.

And of course one of the most popular resolutions must be to get in shape, especially after the Christmas blow out and possibly being a kilo or 2 heavier than this time last month.

But the fact of the matter is that most of us don't stick to most of our resolutions. I'm certainly in that category and I'm getting to be of the mindset that there's no point setting them cos I'm going to fail anyway.

So let me help you out with a fitness goal that you might actually be doing past Australia Day. Try a Zumba class - no - try a month of Zumba classes. If you like it after a month, the chances are you'll stick to it. Why? Because it's FUN.

Put away those excuses - you're NOT too fat, thin, old, unfit, uncoordinated, busy or whatever else you can think of. If you like to have a boogie, do your body (and mind) a favour and come shake it with us!

See you soon!

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